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Tag Archives: safety

car and truck accident

The Difference Between a Car and Truck Accident Lawsuit

By William D. Shapiro Law, Inc. |

There are more than 7.2 million car accidents every year on US roads and highways. This number includes collisions involving both trucks and personal vehicles, though the two types of accidents are significantly different.

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Product Safety

Product Safety Tips for the Holidays

By William D. Shapiro Law, Inc. |

Amid the hustle and bustle this time of year, it is vital that you take necessary precautions to stay safe. From traveling to gift-giving to enjoying the fireplace, and more, the holidays pose several unique threats.

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7 Tips For Safe Driving Around Trucks

By William D. Shapiro Law, Inc. |

We share our roads with vehicles of all shapes and sizes. That’s why our driving habits must be flexible and prepared to encounter everything from big rigs to mopeds. It is all of our responsibility, no matter what vehicle we operate, to drive safely and avoid accidents. And in doing so, we ought to take extra precaution near trucks.

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